Logan Anderson

Software Engineer


Software engineer with 4+ years of experience, specializing in machine learning, TypeScript, React, and Python. Core Contributor of TinaCMS, driving its growth and enterprise adoption.

  • Machine Learning: Executed year-long Honours Project using TensorFlow, reducing CNN parameters by 20% for image classification.
  • Technical Versatility: Proficient in TypeScript, Java, and Python. Developed backend features on AWS for high-traffic applications.
  • Leadership: Led teams, designed editorial workflow for enterprise customers, and developed document classification model.



April 2020 - Present | Full Stack Software Engineer

  • Lead Developer and maintainer of TinaCMS, an open source headless CMS that commits content directly to Git.
  • Developed Tina's core Typescript client that is generated based on a user's schema which increased usage of TinaCMS by over 300% in the following months
  • Designed and implemented an editorial workflow which was crucial to the procurement of many enterprise customers such as Smashing Magazine
  • Implemented backend features such as data caching, validation, and business logic on AWS using DynamoDB, S3, and Serverless Stack (SST) on a high traffic application with an uptime of over 99.99%
  • Created a migration tool that transformed a Forestry schema into a Tina config, successfully migrating thousands of users and increased MRR

For a more detailed list of contributions, please visit logan.codes


May 2019 - April 2020 | Data Science Specialist (Machine Learning)

  • Applied machine learning methods such as XGBoost and leveraged AWS infrastructure to create a document classification model that effectively categorized millions of documents.
  • Used the Python library Scrapy to construct a web scraping tool that systematically processed tens of millions of web pages, extracting PDF files.
  • Played an integral role in building and fixing bugs on the Vue.js frontend, resulting in a seamless user experience on both mobile and desktop


University of Prince Edward Island

Bachelor of Science, Double Major, Computer Science and Mathematics (Honours)
  • Recipient of UPEI Faculty Association Silver Medal (Second highest mark in all of UPEI for third year)
  • Graduated with a 4.23/4.3 GPA
  • First Class Standing
  • Dean’s List (2018-2021)


Core Skills

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Serverless Tech
  3. React SSR
  4. Full Stack Design
  5. Technical Writing
  6. Public Speaking

Programming & Languages

Libraries & Frameworks


Machine Learning Honours Project

Used VPNN to reduce the number of parameters in CNN by 20% for image classification gaining a foundational understanding of machine learning, neural networks and Tensorflow

Disc Golf Online Rating System

Create and deployed an online rating system, used by to clubs, that Bayesian approximation to generate leader-boards for recorded disc golf rounds.

A complete list of projects can be found on logan.codes