A collection of my work and experiments in web development, machine learning, and more.
In the last year of studies, I completed a Honours project. In this project I explored rebuilding an existing Neural Network to use less parameters on image datasets while keeping the same accuracy.
A website and twitter bot that generates and shows a new AI generated food recipe every day.
A Disc golf scoring system that allows users to log in, create a club, add members, and score rounds with a custom rating system that I created. It also has a leaderboard that shows the top rated players in the club along with a history.
This blog was made with React, Nextjs and TinaCMS. It pulls static data from Github and local json files at build time.
A simple rest API that displays up to date disc golf data, hosted on fly.io and can be accessed though rapidapi
A twitter bot that posts when new discs are added to the PDGA site. It uses a custom machine learning model to accurately predict flight characteristics of new discs.
Web app that lets users view, edit and delete notes. It also uses passport to allow users to log in, log out and make an account
A statically generated blog that uses Sanity, Next.js, React and SSR.
A collection of my solutions of competitive programming problems on kattis