Adding an RSS feed to a nextjs Site
Recently, I took on the task of adding an RSS feed to a nextjs site (this site). After searching around Google for a solution I quickly realized that all the solutions were outdated or not in dept. Frustrated, I noted that has an RSS feed so I looked around there code to see how they dogfood nextjs and more importantly how they added an RSS feed. I am posting my finding here to document them and to save others the Saturday morning I spent doing this.
The process
1. Make a function to generate the RSS feed
If you want to read over the RSS standards and generate everything your self Feel free! Personally, I used the RSS npm package to help me deal with the details of an RSS feed. You can install this package with yarn add rss
or npm i --save rss
. In my case, the function looked like this. We are also going to use ts-node to run this script (you could also just use node and ignore the types). So in my case I will add this packaged by running yarn add --dev ts-node
import { Post } from "../interfaces";
const fs = require("fs");
const RSS = require("rss");
const getPostsSync = require("../utils/getPostsSync");
function dateSortDesc(a: any, b: any) {
const date1 = new Date(;
const date2 = new Date(;
if (date1 > date2) return -1;
if (date1 < date2) return 1;
return 0;
function generate() {
const previewItems = getPostsSync();
const feed = new RSS({
title: "Logan's blog",
site_url: "",
feed_url: "",
previewItems.sort(dateSortDesc).map((post: Post) => {
guid: post.fileName,
url: `${post.fileName}`,
const rss = feed.xml({ indent: true });
fs.writeFileSync("./public/feed.xml", rss);
You will have to make your own function to get the blog posts and all of their metadata. (It will be different or every use case) You can take a look at the one I used for this blog as an example.
- the function is synchronous (it does not have to be though)
- Write output to
2. update build scripts
Finally, you need to update the build scripts so all of the goodness we just wrote will actually happen. In my case I updated the package.json
to look something like this
"scripts": {
"build": "yarn build:rss && next build,
"build:rss": "ts-node ./scripts/generate-rss.ts",
This will generate the RSS feed, write it to the public folder and then build the site.
Now just run yarn build
or npm run build
and you should see the feed.xml. If you run yarn start
and go you localhost:3000/feed.xml you should see your RSS feed.
If you prefer to just see the code you can see the PR for all of this code here. Feel free to leave a comment there if you run into an issue or open a GitHub issue.
Note: This blogpost was recently updated as nextjs 10 broke some of the behaviour. Here is the PR went from the old code to the new code
Thanks for reading. As always if you see anything wrong with this post feel free to edit this site (button below) and make a PR!